Dr   Jains   Homoeopathic   Fertity   Clinic   ---   Redefining   Fertility   Since   Two   and   Half   Decade
Online Consultation
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  • Olarikkara, Thrissur
    Kerala, South India
  • Morning : 09.30 AM - 12.30 PM
    Evening  : 03.30 PM - 07.00 PM

About Us

Dr. Jain's Homoeopathic

Fertility Clinic

Dr. Jain has been steadfast with his clinical research since the past two and half decades using Homoeopathic medicines to treat various medical illnesses affecting modern day man. Past decade and half has seen him focus more on fertility related issues and has been able to give phenomenal results in this area with over eight hundred and still counting successful stories of cases that had given up hopes after protracted treatment at elite facilities.
His initiation into Homoeopathy was with a graduation study at the renowned Fr. Mullers Homoeopathic medical college Mangalore in 1989. The following twenty five years have only been about focusing on overwhelming clinical challenges.
            His comprehensive clinical approach and dedication with each single case has been the reason behind consistent successes especially in fertility cases.

Our Vision

Dr. Jains Fertility center envisions to transform the lives of childless couple. It inspires such couples to revisit their baby dreams by novel reimagination of Homoeopathic medicines that gives result oriented assisted reproductive therapy.

Our Mission

Bringing everlasting smiles to childless couples and help complete their family.


Core Values

  • We remain steadfast at keeping with moral and ethical values in the best interest of our patients.
  • Committed to be forthright and honest in reflecting the expectations of our treatment to every couple at the first sitting itself.
  • To travel the most difficult paths with utmost compassion and
    commitment so as to provide the best results.

Years of Experience




Happy Patients

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